Should You Get Dentures? Find Out With Your Dentist in State College
December 16, 2017
Looking for a tooth-replacement treatment can be difficult at first. Dentists all over the country are introducing new and improved methods for rebuilding smiles, but it shouldn’t be difficult to understand the pros and cons of them. Luckily, your dentist in State College has made this process easy.
If you’re considering dentures, whether partial, full, or even hybrid, see what pros and cons you can expect before committing; you’ll be glad you took the time to stay informed.
Are Dental Implants of State College Right for Me?
December 8, 2017
Tooth loss can be a traumatic time for you. How do you cope with the absence of a structure that’s been with you for the majority of your life? The great irony is that you can still remember losing your first tooth as a child. Oh, the joy and excitement it brought everyone. But now you’re in a different phase of your life. Your current situation doesn’t leave you celebratory at all. You want to replace your teeth, but you’re not sure which route to take. Dental implants of State College are an option, but you want to make sure that it’s the right choice. Learn more about the process.
Dentist in State College Says Take a Bite of Cheese and Take a Bite Out of Cavities
November 29, 2017
When it comes to your oral health, you’re engaged in a never-ending battle. There are little, hidden plaque monsters who look to dig their acidic tentacles into the shining, white enamel protectors of your teeth. When these monsters are able to successfully mount forces against your oral health, the little holes they bore are called cavities. Your job, then, is to protect your valuable pearly-whites by taking the necessary steps to keep them safe. To help in the fight, your dentist in State College says you should consider a possible weapon – cheese. Learn what recent studies have revealed about the amazing benefits of this simple food.
Your Dentist in State College Explains the Top 3 Benefits of Dental Implants
November 4, 2017
You’ve never been one to complain much. You just take life as it comes and continue to push ahead. But, recently you’ve really been bothered by your tooth loss. You look at old family photos and notice how you are smiling with a wide, joyful grin. And you miss those days, because since you lost your teeth you rarely take photos, and you hardly ever smile. You want to rekindle that spark inside of yourself and regain your confidence. Thankfully, your dentist in State College has a solution that will restore your self-esteem: dental implants. Learn more about this procedure and its 3 benefits for you.
Dentist Asks, “Are You Sick of Whining About Wine Teeth?”
October 27, 2017
Drinking red wine is always fun and games—until you look in the mirror. The last time you glanced at your smile you had white teeth staring back at you. Now, you can’t tell the difference between the grapes your wine is made of and the stains on your teeth!
If you’re sick and tired of stains taking the fun out of your wine-sipping hobby, your dentist is here to help you!
Dentist Says Genes Can Determine Frequency of Decay
October 5, 2017
Do you feel like you’re always getting cavities, even as your friends come away from visits to the dentist scot-free? That doesn’t necessarily mean you have worse dental hygiene or that you’ve got more of a sweet tooth than they do. According to your dentist and a recent study published in the journal Cell Host & Microbe, some people are actually genetically predisposed to cavities. If your grandparents had a lot of cavities despite good brushing and flossing habits, chances are you will, too.
Do I Need an Oral Cancer Screening if I Don’t Smoke?
October 3, 2017
The short answer is yes, but there’s an important reason for this that many patients don’t know about. Recent research indicates that oral cancer claims one life an hour in the US. Additionally, 50% of patients diagnosed with oral cancer do not live more than five years beyond this diagnosis. Taking these startling statistics, the Oral Cancer Foundation conducted additional research to determine the best way to decrease annual deaths related oral cancer. The results of their study indicated that early diagnosis was the most important factor in successfully treating oral cancer. That’s why most dental offices and some medical practices, will screen for oral cancer as part of regular preventive checkups.
Tooth Knocked Out? Not a Big Deal in the NBA, Apparently
September 30, 2017
Sometimes, athletes are great role models. At other times… not so much. They may have a great work ethic and try to contribute to the well-being of their communities, but may also do things that make us cringe. In 2015, Dennis Schroder, a point guard for the Atlanta Hawks, got his tooth knocked out. Dental professionals watched in horror as he nonchalantly picked up the tooth, tucked it into his sweaty left sock, and continued to play. We hope you never suffer from an avulsed (knocked-out) tooth, but if you do, don’t follow in Schroder’s footsteps. Follow these steps instead:
Your Favorite Fizzy Drinks Could Be Causing Tooth Decay!
September 25, 2017
It’s finally lunchtime! You sit down, eager to dig into your delicious sandwich. First, though, you open your soda and revel in the hissing sound it makes as air escapes from your can of carbonated delight. But did you know that your fizzy drink habit could actually be contributing to tooth decay? Soda and other carbonated beverages, like seltzer water, are hard on your pearly whites. Your dentist explains why you should cut back on the fizz.
Managing Sleep Apnea in State College
June 30, 2017
Your day starts off with a headache, which is followed later by extreme afternoon fatigue. This seems to be your typical pattern lately as you struggle to get through your days. Did you know that you might be suffering from sleep apnea? You don’t have to live this way, as there are great solutions for sleep apnea in State College. Dr. Robert Jeanmenne shares more on sleep apnea and how to treat it.